
Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
David Lloyd George:
Negotiating with Eamon de Valera is like trying to pick up mercury with a fork.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
Will Rogers - American humorist on the Venus de Milo:
See what happens if you don't stop biting your fingernails.


Grizzled Veteran
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George Orwell:

In a Lancashire cotton-town you could probably go for months on end without once hearing an 'educated' accent, whereas there can hardly be a town in the South of England where you could throw a brick without hitting the niece of a bishop.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
When Wyatt Earp tracked down a cowboy called Frank Stillwell, one of the men responsible for the murder of his brother Morgan a few days earlier, he shot him so many times a member of the local judiciary was moved to remark:

We couldn't decide whether to bury Frank or sell him to a scrap metal dealer!


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
The trouble with Ian (Fleming 007 author) is that he gets off with women because he can't get on with them.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
President Jimmy Carter had the air of a man who had never taken any decisions in his life. They had always taken him.


Grizzled Veteran
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We have often heard Cork called the Venice of Ireland, but have never heard Venice called the Cork of Italy.


Grizzled Veteran
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Phillip Larkin on English Poet Laureate (1930-98) Ted Hughes.

We had the old crow over at Hull recently, looking like a Christmas present from Easter Island.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
Winston Churchill:

My wife and I tried to breakfast together but we had to stop or our marriage would have been wrecked.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
American President, Calvin Coolidge when asked what a clergyman had said in his sermon about sin:

He was against it.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
Bob Hope:

Some of these legends have been around golf for a long time. When they mention a good grip, they're talking about their dentures.
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