This Hi-Tech Country of ours.


Midfield General
Staff member
Very much among leaders in world technology,we have one hot day that put our rail network on stop for days. Major airports on stop for days, Roads melting, etc.
Out here in Turkey,who must be considered years behind us technologically endure these conditions for 3/4 months of the year,in Aug temps topping 42C. I have yet to experience any disruption in the rail or airport traffic. As for rail buckling in the UK, common sense tells you that the distance between sleepers is very relevant, the greater the distance the greater the risk. Probably another penny pinching move by Rail Networks Companies.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
Hi-Tech? Having been off line recently because I changed to fibre, which involved a lot of disruption, the new router packed in within a couple of weeks, so I've been broadbandless again for a couple of days. :mad: Keeping my fingers crossed that things will be OK now. Feel lost without it. :(
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