Quiz and Other Stuff


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
Well done again, BtG. As you will probably know, noble gases are inert and usually colourless, odourless with a very low level of chemical reactivity.


Key Player
I just noticed that Word Association Thread is fast approaching its 400th page of posts. that is 8000 associated words!

It doesn’t do anything for me,I’m afraid.

It is supposed to be a useful tool to give insight to the workings of the human brain by asking the patient to reply without thinking. Fair enough, I suppose. But with 8000 posts and a massive 484k views there must be an awful number of psychiatrists among us.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
Using these four clues, find four answers that all rhyme with each other:

Printed compendium.

1991 Dustin Hoffman character.

American wind.

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