Jouralist Jamel Khashoggi's body parts found in Turkey.


Midfield General
Staff member
Apparently body parts of the dead journalist have been found,possibly in more than one location. There's been a lot of talk about it on the streets out here. Although President Erdogan is never really the flavour of the month, there's 100% support for him for pointing the finger directly at the Saudi Crowned Prince Ruler.


Grizzled Veteran
Staff member
The Saudis have a lot to answer for. Their human rights record is a disgrace and it's noticeable that they are quite happy for Muslim refugees to be placed in other countries, whereas they won't take any themselves despite having first rate facilities to do so.

I am not racist in any way but, since some Bedouin parked his camel on an oil well, they've been holding the West to ransom in dictating the price of oil - often to our detriment. What annoys me so much is that there have been alternate forms of energy for many years, so this could have been prevented at a stroke. But oil is a form of currency so governments are reluctant to interfere with the status quo because of the chaos it might cause. I'll be so pleased when electric cars become the norm, so at least we won't have to rely on oil for fuel.

And whilst we're at it, the UK should get busy with their fracking programme so we will no longer be reliant on Russia for our supply of gas. They say there's enough natural gas under the UK to last us 400 years and cheap energy will be a boon to poorer households and the elderly taking away the awful choice of heat or eat.


Key Player
I can't argue with any of that, Ivor.
To get cheap energy, though, we need a government which is decisive, otherwise fracking will go the way of our tidal lagoon.
Donald Trump may have his faults, but he don't stand for shilly-shallying!


Fox in the Box
Staff member
Got to be honest guys I’m not in favour of fracking at all - I sympathise with fuel poverty of course I do but it seems like we are raiding the air from the balloon we are all perched on - my much beloved shares my view and he’s a Gas man.......just doesn’t seem right at all - just a hunch but I don’t like it one little bit 😡
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